We Must #StopKavanugh. In This Age Of Trump, Gratitude Is Vital For Activism


I posted this on Instagram. Call it corny, maybe it is. As we watch in horror, Republicans ram down Kavanaugh down our throats, I was thinking about what I’ve been doing on a daily basis for a while now. I call “the dailies”

  • Journaling
  • Meditation
  • Prayer
  • Some kind of core-wound work — I’m partial to Al-Anon, there are many programs that are effective, if 12 step programs don’t speak to you.
  • Reading from great teachers like, Marianne Williamson
  • Yoga or pilates
  • Setting and enacting boundaries
  • Gratitude lists

All of this sounds like a lot, it isn’t. When one gets into a routine, it becomes a habit. Like anything else. I cannot express what a difference doing all of what I outlined on a daily basis has made in my life.

So, in this age of Trump, this horrific stunt the GOP is pulling RIGHT NOW regarding Kavanaugh, the absolute greed of the Republicans aiding and abbeting Trump — one could go on forever. I heard in today’s SCOTUS hearing, Senator Dick Durbin say, “When I go home to Illinois, for the first time in my 30 years in congress, I have people pull me off to the side and ask, ‘Senator, are we going to be O.K.?’”. That literally moved me to tears. I don’t have the answer — clearly. But what I know is this: We cannot be effective activists if we are not taking care of ourselves. It’s impossible.

And again, I’ll say what I always say: WE MUST FLIP CONGRESS. I’d argue, aside from the absolute travesty that Trump is even occupying the White House — the midterms of 2018 are one of the most critical elections ever in this country. This experiment, we call democracy. This experiment: America.