Anoa Changa of The Way With Anoa & Peach Perspective on the Lush Left Podcast


Anoa is one of the smartest thinkers talking about the realities of political organizing in a world where we don’t always have the same experiences, may look different, and may not see eye to eye every day. She’s changing the conversation on the intersection of race and organizing.

She talks to Mary Angela Perna and David Slavick on how Democrats can do better for African Americans and do better for the party in the meantime. She breaks down why we need to stop be allies to each other and start being comrades. More about Anoa: Mom 1st, Lawyer 2nd. Anoa Changa is Director of Political Advocacy and a Managing Editor of Progressive Army, as well as a member of its Editorial Board. She hosts The Way with Anoa, Wednesdays at 9pm ET on YouTube.  Check out her Georgia politics site Peach Perspective. Follow her on Twitter @TheWayWithAnoa.